Hey everyone! It's been way too long since I did this! I don't quite have a topic so we'll see where this goes.... First, I'll give you all an update. My last blog set my personal record for blog views at close to 3,000. I was super excited about that, that blog was somewhat of a tell~all about my personal experience with divorce. While it was full of awesomeness I would love to see that many views for my typical blogs, full of funny and no drama! But I will never get there unless I start writing them again.
And I have stumbled upon a topic. Kids in sports. Particularly, my kids. I'm sure there is a wide spectrum on how parents feel about their kids participating in sports. You have the parents that prefer to have their kids reading books as opposed to joining the neanderthal world of organized sports, to the crazy parents that run out on the wrestling mat to throw a hissy fit when their child gets pinned and then fight the winners parents in the parking lot. With the "bookworm" parents being a 0 and the "crazy" parents being a 10, you could say I'm about a 9.
Don't get me wrong, I will never embarrass my kids by throwing fits or complaining to coaches or fighting anybody. But, I am super competitive. SUPER. I get so hyped about sports and my kids being good at them that I wonder if I'm going to explode. Surely I'm not the most competitive person on Earth, but sometimes I think I might be. Truthfully, my kids have no idea that I hope they are God's gift to sports. I always tell them to do their best and that's good enough. I only give "constructive" criticism, and I always tell them good job, I'm proud of you....all the good things parents should say. And I mean every word. I love my kids and their talents don't determine their worth to me, I'll love them the same even if they ride every bench there is. Not everybody is going to be good at everything. I realize that. Hey, I rode the bench during summer league basketball in 7th grade and my Pops still loved me. Sure he wore a hat and made me ride home in the trunk.......but he was at every game up to the final one when Coach made me "at least TRY to score once during the season." I got that ball, ran it all the way down court, realized whistles were blowing..........I forgot to dribble...the whole way down. Not to mention people kept screaming at me to get out of some imaginary "lane".
Nate is 4 years old and he just started wrestling. He's had 2 practices and I'm already seeing the bright lights of a UFC cage in his future. I have no idea if he possesses any talent whatsoever. Here's what I do know. The kid asked me to take his training wheels off when he was 2 and I refused, thinking that would be dumb. When he turned 3 one of his training wheels broke, so I finally took them off. He took off like a bat out of hell with more coordination than I've seen displayed by any 3 year old EVER. Granted, I've only known like five 3 year old kids, that is besides the point. He builds ramps and jumps them, pops wheelies and barrels down hillsides. He is insane! I feel like he must be a beast. A beast with a blankie. I don't want any little guys getting hurt, but I feel like Nate would have a jump on the competition if I taught him a sleeper hold or something, but then again his T-Rex arms are too short to practice on me and I don't want him to put his sister's to sleep. Here's what else I know: Nate once told a grown man he could make him cry. I don't know if he could have, but his confidence is also beastly. I have, however, noticed that for a coordinated kid he is not catching on to stretches AT ALL. If you can't make a circle with your arm, how are you going to make it in life? I sit there and watch him mess up, it looks like he's swatting at his own elbows. In my head I'm yelling "Your range of motion sucks!!" I watch him at practice like somehow I can use my thoughts to control his arms and legs, well, that doesn't work.
Dana is an 11 year old trapped in the most toned, muscular body ever on an 11 year old. (I've known like eight 11 year old kids...soooo I would be the expert here) She has to be full of beastly talent! I don't know what she will end up being good at, but I do know it's not math. She's smart but doesn't care to apply herself....is that what all parents say when their kids grades are lacking? Anyways, she does have all kinds of natural talent for dance, ballet and gymnastics, she is headed for the world of cheerleading I think. I've always pushed her to be herself, but I have to admit I hoped she would steer more towards sports than cheerleading. But, just because I love sports that involve balls more than cheerleading doesn't mean she has to. She did ask to wrestle. But since she is not allowed to touch boys...in any way...ever, I had to tell her no. And my cheerleader friends who are still upset about my last comment, you can all calm down. I know cheerleading is a sport. I can't do toe-touches for an hour straight, you win. I just hope Dana cheerleads like a boss.
Lexi just started middle school....She started volleyball and basketball and wants to do track. In 6th grade you don't get to do much, but at least she will be prepared next year. And I have been feeding her even more vegetables. Maybe she will grow. Lex happens to be good at everything she tries to do, except public speaking, she has been known to put her head down and...well, I don't really know what she was doing...trying to teleport herself somewhere else or something. Let's just say it didn't work out. But, I'm telling you she is super good at everything. And I'm all over her yelling, "she get it from her mama!" Any time the kids aren't awesome, obviously I don't blame myself. Then I'm all, "she get it from...some other part of her genetic line that isn't on my side of the family" People always look at me weird when I say that, but whatever.... it's truth people.
I think it's cool to be psycho about your kids being awesome, as long as you keep it to yourself. What they don't know won't hurt them. But I wanna see some take-downs, some points being scored, some records set...let's do this! Can I end up with 3 professional athletes?!? I'll keep my fingers crossed. But as long as nobody comes home pregnant before they're 40 (and out of their prime as far as sports go)....then I'll be happy. Cause all I can really ask for is some good kids, with some good morals and values, that end up happy....sports or no sports. (but I hope sports).